o processed the turn-in of over 1 million. Back to CMF 25 NCOER Bullets. The rater comments on the NCO's performance during the rated period. o ensured 100% accountability of all equipment valued at over 5 million dollars. (Addresses rated NCO's performance as it relates to Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. MOS 68J, Medical Logistics Specialist NCOER Bullets. Bullet comments. NCOER Bullets. o. S. MOS 92S, Shower, Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist NCOER Examples. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. Leads NCOER Bullet Comments Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication o ensured that eligible Soldiers received adequate training in submitting local travel vouchers for IDT travel reimbursement Presence NCOER Bullet Comments Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience o devoted 40 off-duty hours training to compete in Lincoln. was relieved for driving while intoxicated in an off duty status. o provided Close Air Support for the infil of three CH-47 Chinooks in support of Operation Mongoose. MOS 15 Aviation NCOER Examples. Medical Readiness NCOER Examples. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. MOS 18D/Special Forces Medical Sergeant. Bullet Comments. o excelled as Unit Prevention Leader; meticulous attention to detail ensured no discrepancies occurred during the. Info Tech Team Chief. Courtesy of U. Part III, Areas of Special Emphasis. Innovate. Back to CMF 36 NCOER Bullets. o first Soldier or NCO to complete the USAF Security Forces Qualification Certification as a patrolman; set. Back to CMF 31 NCOER Bullets. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! Hot News! Make $500 in daily online commissions with this 100% Foolproof Blueprint! Support 150 Presence bullets for Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience We offer the largest collection of NCOER bullets for your use. o obtained shipping cost estimates. failed sit-ups and run but is making progress to meet physical fitness standards. This month will mark the site’s sixth complete redesign as I finally introduce a more modern, responsive. To contribute examples, use this form. Hundreds of far exceeded standard, exceeded standard, met standard and did not meet standard Presence NCOER bullets to aid in the preparation of Part IV of the DA Form 2166-9 NCO Evaluation Report (NCOER). 5 million dollars worth of equipment. o ensured all documentation was accurate and complete; no delays in transfer or errors in. 25F Network Switching Systems Operator/Maintainer. Motor Pool NCO. NCOER bullets for EO. Unit Readiness NCO/88M40. Character NCOER Bullets. 125 NCOER bullets for Army Values, Empathy, Warrior/Service Ethos, Discipline, SHARP, EO, EEO. o erected the 800K FSSP for Erbil, Iraq FOB; experience with the FSSP was instrumental to the unit's success. 25L Cable Systems Installer/Maintainer. MOS 35P - Cryptologic Linguist. From DA PAM 623-3, pg. o supervised a group of 6 Soldiers leading to significant knowledge and skills growth and ensured every individual training opportunity was maximized. ArmyNCO. o mentored two Soldiers to increase their promotion points by 100 points; resulted in one promotion to sergeant. competency categories (character, presence, intellect, leads, develops, and achieves) for each level. o oversaw the maintenance and repair of 10 wheeled vehicles during annual training at CSMS resulting in increased operational readiness of the Battalion. Thanks for your contributions! We need more examples. October 30, 2016 ·. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! o added over 100 non-sucky bullets to the ArmyNCO. If you would like to support the continued development of ArmyNCO. 25% and was awarded additional skill identifier of B1. 150 NCOER bullets for leads others, builds trust, extends influence beyond the chain of command, leads by example, and communicates. Unsorted CMF 13 Artillery NCOER Bullets. Presence (Military Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. Should I write my NCOER SHARP bullet to reflect a joint command environment? 0 Votes 0 Comments. MOS 92Y Award Examples. o evaluated and towed vehicles to maintenance shops; accurate diagnostics reduced downtime by 50%. o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited 5 discharges; sustained readiness. Presence NCOER Bullet Comments. MOS 92Y Duty Descriptions. 25B Information Technology Specialist. Gets Results. o supervised the successful deployment and redeployment of 29 individuals ISO worldwide contingency operations; achieved goals while remaining poised for evolving missions. Mission Support Team Member. Failed to conduct proper risk assessments or react when risk factors increased; resulted in x Soldiers injured during the rating period. MOS 79R, Recruiter NCOER Bullets. Inspire. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. This should help a rater in distinguishing between a ‘success’, ‘excellence’ or ‘needs improvement’ bullet. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. Presence NCOER Bullets (Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience) Headlines. com, please consider making a small donation. Army. o worked tirelessly to prepare for the change of command layout; zero deficiencies were found throughout the arms room -first time in 5 years. o performed support mission on a moment's notice; contributed to CAT-6's successful completion of the CIMIC/CA Tactical training course. o produced over a 1,000 Terrain and Intelligence based Geospatial products that were vital to multiple military forces. o installed utility system for $850K Bagram Theater Internment Facility (BTIF) project; exceeded drainage/slope specs, saved $5,000 in labor costs. Set leadership standard for peers; selected as platoon. Mentor and Leadership NCOER Bullets. ArmyNCO. 25C Radio Operator Maintainer. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. Service Ethos- established and maintained the highest standard of excellence for himself. (Addresses rated NCO's performance as it relates to Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. S. o accepts greater challenges with determination of achieving a positive outcome. Use this in conjunction with AR 623-3, DA PAM 623-3,. Army values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. The Algorithm of Strong NCOER Statements. MOS 35T - Intel Systems Maintainer/ Integrator. Encourages Junior soldiers to challenge themselves to become better professionals and leaders. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. The NCOER bullet comments below are examples of Excellence, Success, and Needs Improvement NCOER Bullets. o conducted over 50 hours of resiliency training, as the company MRT, to 76 DACs and NCOs; resulted in a more mature and composed work environment. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. 92Y Areas of Special Emphasis. o managed safety for Forces Command's largest division; balanced $1. o single-handedly developed and implemented the Company Air Assault PT Program, increasing the Company Air Assault percentage by 33%. . MOS 68 Medical NCOER Bullet Examples. Projected confidence and enthusiasm when assisting soldiers. The finished product is the single most important factor in promotions and successful careers. o interviewed 5 victims, witnesses, and suspects and documented those actions in investigative action reports; protected victims by providing care and treatment. o managed the Non-mission Capable (NMC) report over two consecutive years, producing a 99% average, exceeding the Army's 95% ORR goals. Bullets comments are used to explain any. NCOER/OER Bullets examples. Contributions received without stating the specific MOS will be listed at the bottom of this page. o supervised the distribution, sign-out and return of all sensitive and accountable items, ensured 100% inventory on AT return. NCOER Examples. Failed to supervise subordinates; relieved for. o pulled over 40 Class V (Ammunition and Explosive) missions, risking her life to support effective training. MOS 36B Decorations. • served as RSO for 2-12 CAV Gunnery; 29 Tank Crews fired over 2,000 main guns and 50,000 small arms rounds zero incidents. o Sacrificed off-duty time to train his peers on critical recovery tasks; enhanced peer morale, mental acuity, and. Raters currently highlight their NCO's strongest bullets on the second page of the NCOER because there is no exceeds standards for the character block. Army. 00 - Immaterial 09 - Interpreter 11 - Infantry However, most performance bullets can go in multiple areas of the NCOER under the current system, so this is not a problem specific to evaluating character. o performed the administrative and leadership duties of several positions including the Chief, Deputy Chief and Administrative Officer simultaneously during a 6-month absence of all other leadership. Presence NCOER Bullets (Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience) Headlines ArmyNCO. o led 10 Soldiers on several tasks configuring the aircraft for C-17 transport; exhibited a unmatched determination, prepared 12 aircraft for transport in 96 hours. MOS 36A Financial Manager; MOS 36B Financial Management Technician;Gunner NCOER Bullets. NCOER Duty Descriptions. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! o added over 100 non-sucky bullets to the ArmyNCO. You may also submit your. o maintained 100% accountability of the commander's property at all times; improved resource availability and response time. MOS 13R, Field Artillery Firefinder Radar Operator NCOER examples. o demonstrate Army values and maintain standards and discipline on and off-duty. com. o served as Team Leader, Motor Transport Operator, Trumpet Player and Vocalist. o seamlessly integrated new Soldiers within the S3 section; consistently showed genuine concern for his Soldiers. e. MOS 46Q, Public Affairs Specialist (Now 46S) MOS 46R, Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist (Now 46S) MOS 46S, PA Mass Communications Specialist; MOS 46Z, Public Affairs Chief;Mortuary Affairs Specialist. o surveyed Q36 Reference Points for Camp Falcon and FOB Prosperity Declination Stations, prepared 10th Mountain Div and 2/3 FA Units for success. com. (April 02 2023) On January 1st, 2023, ArmyNCO. In the Army, counseling is an almost daily requirement. o maintained 100% accountability of the Company's CBRN equipment valued at a $1,000,000 on the. CMF 25 Communications NCOER Bullets. Excellence bullets should clearly describe performance above the ordinary and should be quantifiable. o warned section members of the consequences of their actions; prevented UCMJ action and sustained promising careers. This community resource, developed in partnership with armywriter. o promoted to the leadership position of SFC and led his unit through a COMET re-inspection with a pass of more than 95%. Presence NCOER Bullets (Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience) Headlines ArmyNCO. SHARP and EO NCOER Bullets; Sample NCOER Duty Descriptions. Provides an overview of the new Army regulation, citing paragraphs and page numbers in the regulation. MOS 12R Decorations. o rebuilt parachute packing facilities/area, adding over $1,000,000 worth of new equipmento led the movement of essential personnel and equipment from Upper Marlboro, MD to Fort Bragg and then to JRTC. NCOER bullets for gets results. o assisted with the excess turn-in of more than 52 recoverable repair parts which returned over $157,000 to the Army supply system and cleared overage reportTrainer & Instructor NCOER Bullets. 92G/Food Service NCO. o briefed Ft Bragg functional managers; lauded MOS development and impact; perpetuated unit. Presence is a critical attribute that you need to understand. bullets. Innovate. o ensured continuous reporting of all movement and. o supervised and created over 400 Tactical SIPR accounts used throughout 18 Warfighting Exercises. MOS 79R, Recruiter. This list provides a sample of Excellence, Success, and Needs Improvement NCO-ER Bullets highlighted in recent Quarterly NCO-ER Updates as being those bullets that justified the marked rating. The guides explain the rules for comments, narratives and bullets found in AR and DA PAM 623-3 (to include prohibited and negative comments/bullets), and gives examples of narrative comments (individual sentences that can be combined to form a narrative) and bullets. Platoon Sergeant NCOER Examples. 88N40 Transportation NCOIC. 88K Watercraft Operator. o managed the inventory and loadout of over $5,000,000 dollars of unit equipment in just two days. Operations NCO. PRESENCE: NCOER Bullets. (April 02 2023) On January 1st, 2023, ArmyNCO. o synchronized opportunities with availability; increased critical school attendance by 50% in less than 13 months. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! o added over 100 non-sucky bullets to the ArmyNCO. MOS 68X DA 638 Examples. Welcome to my NCOER resource pages. Schools NCO NCOER Examples. 150 Presence bullets for Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. However, most performance bullets can go in multiple areas of the NCOER under the current system, so this is not a problem specific to evaluating character. o coordinated carpentry and masonry shop efforts to construct interior of $800K+ BTIF project; minimized delays of #1 mission priority. If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your MOS, enter it in the form at the bottom of this page (or send to editor @armywriter. o kept accountability of sensitive items resulting in zero losses or discrepancies; successfully passed all physical security inspections. o augmented U. o prepared five companies for deployment to multiple combat zones; ensured personnel were trained and equipment was operational. com database and still filed taxes two days early [LEADS: FAR EXCEEDED STANDARD]Achieves NCOER Bullet Comments. Use this in conjunction with AR 623-3, DA PAM 623-3, and DA PAM 600-25 which provide. MOS 35M - Human Intelligence Collector. o investigated resources during a family crisis;. o served as weapons checks NCO on all crew serve weapons, including five M2 50 caliber machine guns, five 240B's and five 249s. DA PAM 623-3, Chapter 3 - Bullet comments are mandatory regardless of the box check rating given (at least one bullet will be entered in each block of c through i). o augmented the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing at Fort Meade; analyzed and identified sources of election misinformation. learning. NCOER Bullets Sorted by MOS If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your MOS, enter it in the form at the bottom of this page (or send to editor @armywriter. Maintains military and professional bearing by meeting PT, height, weight and required schooling. o screened and evaluated 800 soldiers from 1ABCT during Operation Atlantic Resolve; reduced delays due to medical by 25%. Physical Security Officer (PSO) NCOER Bullets. Covid-19 Response NCOER Bullets. Parachute Rigger NCOER Examples. Wade. While you know what your soldiers do, it can be tough to think of those duties on the fly.